~Streamwood Settlement~

Saeryn’s lock clicks and the door opens a touch. For a moment, it stays in this position, letting a thin streak of light onto the ground before it. Then it swings open and Saeryn walks out, having nudged it with an elbow. Her hands are full of a fragrant, steaming pie.

Lorcan is lounging outside his cottage, looking quite at his ease. His pipe is in his hand and he puffs away at it slowly, thoughtfully. He looks like he has cleaned up a little more than usual, wearing a change of clothes from his work ones. His hair is loose about his shoulders, swept back out of the way but not tight in its usual knot.

Saeryn uses her foot to swing the door shut behind her. Before looking about at all, she sets the pie down upon a log which seems to be set up for the purpose of cooling fresh pies in cool evening air. After it is stably on, she straightens and looks about the Settlement, unwrapping strips of cloth (protection against heat) from her hands.

Lorcan has been gazing idly across the Settlement and down to the stream, but the sound of Saeryn’s door closing draws his eyes quickly to her cottage. He tips his head slightly, watching her with a small smile as she settles the pie on the log.

Saeryn’s gaze finds Lorcan, and a similar, small smile appears. Setting down the two cloth pieces, she steps away from her cottage and starts making her way towards him, though not without a glance back at her pie to make sure it is safe.

Lorcan tamps down the tobacco in his pipe and tucks it away in a pocket before rising. He walks to meet her, the smile growing. “Good eve, Saeryn,” he greets her warmly, the glow in his gray eyes turning them silver under his dark brows.

Saeryn smiles back, eyes rather bright. “Good eve, Lorcan. How are you faring?”

Lorcan says simply, “Well.” He looks like he means it, for he does look well. The smile turns shy around the edges and he adds, “Even better now.”

Saeryn ducks her head slightly, though her smile grows in its own shy way. “I am glad to hear that,” she replies. Looking back up, she gestures towards her cottage. “Would it be improved any more by a bit of a treat? You might have seen, but I had the chance to make a pie this afternoon… blackberry.”

Lorcan’s eyes light up more, if possible. “I would like that,” he says.

Saeryn’s face lights up and she steps a bit to the side, making his way towards said pie clear. “Then I’m more than happy to share. I’ll get some plates.’

Lorcan simply nods. He steps towards her cottage and the pie.

Saeryn walks that way as well, disappearing momentarily into her cottage when they reach her door. She comes out bearing a couple of wooden plates and forks, as well as a knife to cut the pie. Glancing around at the lack of seating right outside her home, she offers a chagrinned smile. “Perhaps we ought to eat by the fire instead…?”

Lorcan offers a nod and a smile. “That would be fine.” He motions at the ground around the log. “I don’t mind sitting on the ground, either. Whichever you would prefer.”

 Saeryn looks at the ground and then shrugs with a little smile. “Then here will suit perfectly,” she replies and sits, smoothing her skirt before she sets about to cutting the pie.

 Lorcan sits down beside her, criss-crossing his legs slightly and leaning a shoulder back on the log behind them. He keeps quiet, as usual, his eyes following her movements as she slices and dishes the pie.

Saeryn hands him a good-sized slice. As she passes it over, her eyes flick up to meet his, her gaze warm and happy.

Lorcan takes it with a smile. “Thank you,” he says softly, his eyes lighting up at the look in her eyes. He flicks a few strands of dark hair back out of the way over his shoulder and takes a bite.

Saeryn watches for a moment, then seems to realize that she’s doing so and turns her attention to her own slice. She takes a bite as well, closing her eyes momentarily.

Lorcan pauses with the fork in his mouth before he finishes chewing his mouthful and swallows. “Saeryn,” he says after he’s swallowed it, “that is delicious.”

 Saeryn’s face breaks out into a large smile, rather unlike her usual reserved one. “I’m glad you think so… Blackberry pie is my favorite, and I was worried it might not turn out as well as some of my others lately.”

Lorcan chuckles at that, shaking his head slightly as he turns back to his pie. “I think you need have no fear of that.”

Saeryn continues to smile as she looks back down at her plate and takes another bite. “I was wondering… what is your favorite kind?”

Lorcan hesitates briefly as he chews. “I like most pies. But…probably cherry, I would think.”

Saeryn nods slowly, tapping her fork against the edge of her plate. “I haven’t made a cherry since I was at home… But I’ll certainly try.” A smile appears again and she looks at him, the brightness back in her eyes. “I shouldn’t have trouble finding cherries. Or most fruit, I think.”

Lorcan hmms, slicing off another bite with his fork. “There’s a cherry tree in the knot garden outside the tavern, I think.” Then her final comment seems to fully register and a brow raises puzzledly. “Oh?”

Saeryn nods again. “There is that one, but it’s still in bloom… I’m not sure when it’s going to make fruit. But the other day, I had just gotten the ingrediants for a peach pie from the general store. Well, it turns out that peach is Steward Nalan’s favorite type… he liked it enough to grant me permission to take ingrediants from the manor orchard.”

Lorcan dips his chin in a nod. “Oh, I see,” he says with a smile. Then he pauses. “Can he – do that?”

Saeryn is about to take another bite when he asks this. She lowers her fork and blinks. “I… I certainly hope so… Isn’t he at least partly in charge of the manor…?” Her tone is more uncertain now.

Lorcan taps the fork against the plate thoughtfully. He says slowly, “You know, I don’t know exactly. He’s in charge of most of the Lord’s affairs, I think, so I suppose that would fall within his jurisdiction. Just…surprises me, that’s all.” He glances up at her and says more reassuringly when he sees the look on her face, “I don’t see why he couldn’t.”

Saeryn bites her lip and then raises her fork again. “He didn’t seem to hesitate at all… I suppose I’ll find out if he doesn’t.” Her nose wrinkles slightly at that thought. “Though I can’t say I’d prefer to learn that way.”

Lorcan chuckles a little, his eyes lingering on her nose. “I think if he didn’t have the authority to tell you that, he wouldn’t have done so.” A small frown crosses his face. “Or else I’d be very disappointed in him. It’s unprofessional.”

Saeryn smiles a bit at that. “I wouldn’t be very pleased either.” Looking down at her pie again, she stirs the dark filling with her fork before taking another bite. “I’m glad that there are both cherries and blackberries growing off of the manor grounds, though. I don’t know if I’ll ever be very comfortable going there.”

Lorcan shakes his head. “I don’t blame you. It will be nice to have access to the fruits, but,” he shrugs. “Feels like trespassing, somehow. Even on occasion when we’re working there for the Lord. Don’t know what it is exactly.”

 Saeryn nods in agreement. “I wouldn’t have any wish to go there, but the orchards have a few fruits that don’t seem to grow any where else… Perhaps it’s just the size? The manor is certainly the largest building I’ve ever seen, and the grounds as well…”

Lorcan scrapes up a final bite and collects what’s left of the filling on his fork. “Could be,” he says. “Maybe it’s just because of the way things are – we have our homes and they have theirs, and it’s just…separate, I guess. That’s probably what it is – the Manor is the lord and lady’s home, and nobody just goes traipsing through anybody else’s yard or home.”

Saeryn watches him for a moment, perhaps unconsciously. She then nods and finishes her own piece, laying the plate down beside her. “That sounds right… I can’t imagine living in such a place, though.”

 Lorcan gives a quiet scoff, not unkind but one that sounds like agreement. “Nor I.” His gaze wanders to his own cottage, skips to his mother’s and then comes back. “I can’t imagine in living in anything so extravagant. There’s no need really. I’m content with the home I’ve built. Sturdy, simple. All one really needs.”

Saeryn smiles faintly, eyes turning to her cottage momentarily. “Yes, it’s certainly enough. So much space seems like it would feel very empty.”

Lorcan nods. “Yeah. It’s – unnecessary. At least to me.”

Saeryn looks back to him as she nods. “To me as well. To many, I imagine… But I suppose they see a reason for it.”

Lorcan shrugs. He leans forward to reach around her and stack his plate on hers. Settling back, he says, “To each their own, I guess.”

Saeryn shifts slightly to make the reach more convenient, eyes following his movement. As he sits again, she brushes back a couple loose strands of hair and nods agreement.

Lorcan leans an elbow against the log and props his chin in his hand to study her for a moment. He smiles, a soft, secretive sort of smile as she reaches a hand to her hair and then says quietly, “You look well, Saeryn.”

Saeryn tips her head, a smile quirking her mouth at the rather sudden comment. “I have been well,” she agrees simply.

Lorcan gives a half-shrug in response to the smile, as if to say, ‘yeah, I don’t know where that came from either. Ah well…’ Then he chuckles briefly, a smile lingering after the chuckle is gone and says, “I’m glad.”

Saeryn simply smiles for a moment, then looks down at her hands. After a short silences, she asks, “Is your work on the manor coming along well?”

Lorcan nods. “It is. Quite smoothly. I’ve been pleased.”

Saeryn asks, “How much longer do you think it will take?”

Lorcan scratches the back of his neck. “Maybe a week, maybe less. Definitely not more than that, I’d say, since we’re just doing the one side.” 

 Saeryn smiles softly. “Will you be glad to be able to move onto other projects?”

 Lorcan thinks on that. “Yeah, probably. It’s nice to have something consistent to do, but then, I don’t usually have a problem finding work. And – it’s mostly mindless, compared to some of my other projects.”

Saeryn nods. “Some of what I do at the inn is like that. It can be nice, but I enjoy the chance to make something,” she glances at the pie and gives a small smile, “of my own as well.”

Lorcan smiles. “Yes, exactly.” He grins at her a little cheekily. “I told you you were an artist at heart.”

Saeryn blinks, and then gives a little laugh. “I suppose you might be right… though if I am, my art doesn’t last nearly as well as your own.”

Lorcan chuckles. “But it fulfills its purpose and is therefore well spent,” he point out.

 Saeryn inclines her head, smiling. “Then I will have to admit it, I suppose.” With a small sigh, however, her gaze travels up to the darkening sky. “You’ll have to excuse me for the night, though. Thank you for…” Pausing a moment, she considers. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

Lorcan climbs to his feet and offers her his hand to help her up. He grins. “I should thank you, you provided the pie.”

 Saeryn takes his hand and gets to her feet, though she has to stoop back down to grab the plates and the left-over pie. “Oh, but that was my pleasure. I’m just glad I was able to share it with you.”

Lorcan shakes his head with a smile. “Well, thank you anyways,” he says.

 Saeryn smiles back at him. “You are very welcome. Have a good night, Lorcan.”

Lorcan clasps his hands behind his back. “Good night, Saeryn.”